Just a little Rain.

So did anybody else have to deal with that massive rainstorm this past Wednesday?

I did. And let me tell you, no fun at all!

I had to go from Livingston Campus to Douglass Campus, and then to College Ave Campus that day. Unfortunately, I had left the house with my Spring jacket thinking that it wouldn’t be that cold out even with the rain. WRONG!! It was freezing and miserable and, obviously, wet! My jacket also did not have a hood, so I had to use my sweatshirt’s hood to protect me from the rain, as well as an umbrella.

Once I got to Douglass, I needed to get warmed up. Class was starting in an hour, so I had time to go to Dunkin Donuts in the Douglass Campus student center to get something to drink. Getting a hot, steaming cup of hazelnut coffee was just what I needed in order to make the rest of the day. Unluckily, I had classes until nine that night.

I don’t really enjoy going across the step bridge that goes from near Loree Hall to Hickman Hall on a good day. So you better believe I was annoyed to do so on one such as Wednesday was. While class ended earlier than it should have, it still took me a long time to get to College Ave.

When we were finally let out of class at around eight that night, it was ridiculous outside. It was still raining, and there were huge amounts of water outside Milledoler. We had to walk to the Scott Hall bus stop from the street on the right (I think that it is Seminary Place, but I could be completely and totally wrong). The wind was so strong that I was really close to pulling a Mary Popping. Not only that, but rain was flying into my face and it was really cold. I was also afraid that my umbrella was going to upturn. If it did, I would have been in a lot of trouble because it wasn’t really my umbrella. It was my older brother’s and I was borrowing it.

Picture taken by user

Picture taken by user

The picture above is what it looked like when I walked outside. Yes, we are part of the digital generation. We take photos on our smart phones of everything that happens. I am on the fence about whether that is a negative thing or a positive thing.

Either way, to bring this back to point. Why am I sharing this lovely story?

Well, the thing is, no one can predict when a massive rainstorm would cause flooding on campus. That sometimes things happen that make us want to pull our hair out. We just have to keep carrying on. So here is a tip for you all.

TIP: When life hands you lemons, don’t question it or do anything with it. Just take it with you and go.

Basically, just keep pushing through whatever situation you are in. You are strong and you can make it through, and feel ten thousand times better for the accomplishment. I promise.

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